Upcoming Events
CAB has a meeting on the first Monday of every month. We always invite a guest speaker knowledgable in the current issues. All members of the Brookline community are welcome to join. If you miss a meeting, see below for the archive section where you can read about or watch past recorded meetings. We also list other community events that are relevant to climate change.
January CAB Meeting – Make Polluters Pay
Monday, January 13, 2025
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Make Polluters Pay: Possible Resolution at Brookline Town Meeting?
Dan Zackin of the Better Future Project will tell us about the Make Polluters Pay campaign.
Make Polluters Pay is a national campaign that aims to hold Big Oil corporations financially responsible for the extensive climate and environmental depredations – extreme heat, forest fires, floods, sea level rise, etc. – caused by the profligate use of fossil fuels, and to counter the massive disinformation tactics sponsored by the fossil fuel companies.
The campaign is hoping that the 351 municipalities in Massachusetts will pass Resolutions aimed to Make Polluters Pay. The meeting will conclude with a possible vote of the CAB Board to sponsor such a Resolution.
1) Make Polluters Pay – Dan Zackin
Q and A
Possible CAB Board vote to sponsor a “Make Polluters Pay” Resolution at Brookline Town Meeting in May.
2) New Business
3) Next CAB Monthly Meeting: Monday February 10 @ 5 pm. Topics sought!
We hope you can join us, and bring your questions!
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83369336036
All are welcome!
The Hidden Costs of Plastic to Human Health: Brookline Responds
Thursday, January 16, 2025
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Main Branch of The Public Library of Brookline
How is Brookline responding to the harms and costs of plastic to our health?
What do we know about the harms and costs of plastic to our health? How can we protect our health as plastic production increases exponentially? How is Brookline responding?
Mounting evidence indicates that plastics pose significant and hidden risks to human health. Epidemiologists and public health experts are connecting endocrine disorders, cancer, child development and fertility issues to the presence of plastics in our bodies. The program will address problems and solutions at a community event to be held at the Main Branch of The Public Library of Brookline on January 16th from 6:30-8:30 PM.
Light refreshments will be served. The program will be interactive beginning with a poster session followed by a talk by Dr. Philip Landrigan, a pediatrician, epidemiologist and Director of Global Public Health and the Common Good. A panel will highlight solutions with time for discussion and questions. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is encouraged. Click here to register for the event.
Co-sponsored by Mothers Out Front, Brookline Rotary, Brookline DPW, Brookline Dept of Public Health and Human Services, Friends of Brookline Public Health, Climate Action Brookline, The Public Library of Brookline and Elders Climate Action.
Past meetings
July 2024 CAB Meeting – Tommy Vitolo and The Renter’s Project
Update on the OMNIBUS BILL/s currently before the MA Legislature – MA State Representative Tommy Vitolo
Will both houses file a version? Will they be reconciled by July 15? Will the legislature vote on a final bill be by the end of the current session on July 31? How can we help?
Renters’ Project – Susan Martin, CAB Board Member & Wendy Stahl, Chair of ZEAB
52% of Brookline residents are renters. For Brookline’s response to the climate crisis to be meaningful, all residents must participate. The Brookline Renters’ Project, a joint effort of CAB, MOF and ZEAB, and funded by a grant from Mass Save’s Community Education Program, is working to reach out to renters to explore their views of climate change, utility costs, Mass Save, and barriers to participation. The project hopes to provide the support needed to help renters understand and implement climate solutions.
February 2024 CAB Meeting – Tommy Vitolo and Vikram Aggarwal
State Representative Tommy Vitolo and Energy Sage founder and new ZEAB Board Member Vikram Agarwal discuss climate-responsible uses of electricity in Brookline:
Heat Pumps? Solar Panels? EV Charging? Climate Priorities re Brookline Town Policy AND Personal Choices
As we in Brookline begin to update our Climate Action Plan, it is time to consult experts. Tommy and Vikram have spent years offering professional advice how people, companies and governments can wean ourselves off of fossil fuels and live in more climate-sustainable ways.
Their discussion is intended to help Brookline in determining its official Town policies – and YOU as you make your own personal choices.