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Climate Week - Local Action, Big Results
Wednesday, 30 March 2016,  6:30 pm -  9:00 pm

Local Action, Big Results

Carol Oldham, Exec. Dir. MA Climate Action Network; Dr. Tommy Vitolo, Sr. Assoc., Synapse Energy Economics; Audrey Schulman, Pres. & Co-Founder HEET; Nathan Phillips, BU Professor of Earth and Environment; André LeRoux, Exec. Dir. MA Smart Growth Alliance.

6:30–7pm refreshments 7-9pm program

Municipal climate initiatives are accelerating now across the Commonwealth. Leaders examine three ways communities are innovating: implementing options for local renewable electricity, eliminating methane gas leaks, and promoting smart growth through long range community vision to raise the bar on sustainable town and school expansion. Break out into workshops for developing impactful actions.

All Saints Church, 1773 Beacon St.


Featured Speaker:
Location All Saints Church, 1773 Beacon St.