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Climate Week - Powering Our Statehouse Forward
Thursday, 31 March 2016,  6:00 pm -  8:30 pm

Powering Our Statehouse Forward Will We Break Away from Fossil Fuels?

Mass. Power Forward coalition members: Joel Wool, Clean Water Action; Eugenia Gibbons, Mass. Energy Consumers Alliance; Marla Marcum, Climate Disobedience Center; Isaac Baker, Coop Power

6pm refreshments 6:30–8:30pm program

We are currently making decisions regarding our state’s infrastructure that will determine how our energy is delivered over the next sixty years. Join Mass. Power Forward leaders who are fighting for our future. Break into workshops for powering the state toward clean, renewable energy, stopping new gas lines, and developing community owned power.

Main Library, Hunneman Hall, 361 Washington St.

Featured Speaker:
Location Main Library, Hunneman Hall, 361 Washington St.