09 - 15 June, 2024
10 June
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    Monday, 10 June 2024    5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

    The Northeastern University Solutions to Urban Pollution program recently set out numerous air quality sensors throughout Brookline, as part of their Intelligent Solutions to Urban Pollution for Equity and Resilience, or "iSuper" project.

    The goal of the project is to "give citizens and city managers information on air quality block-by-block to enable smarter, cleaner, next generation city infrastructure and healthier, happier communities" -- and Brookline is one of the first beneficiaries. 

    Professor Amy Mueller and Community Partnerships Manager Yasser Aponte will tell us about the project.

    What precisely will the sensors measure: greenhouse gases? heat island effects? air pollution levels? etc. What will the data be used for, and who will have access to it?

    Please join us for a very enlightening program.