27 September - 03 October, 2015
27 September
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    Sunday, 27 September 2015    11:00 am -

    Following last year’s campus-wide Climate Change Conversation, MIT's President Reif has committed to deciding this fall semester how (or if) the university will take action against climate change. In the run-up to this potentially game-changing moment of decision, help us tip the balance by joining MIT Climate Countdown – a series of public events, starting September 27, culminating in a rally on October 2, the day of the MIT Corporation’s Annual Board Meeting. So mark the Countdown on your calendar.

    Check the MIT Climate Countdown site for lectures and events beginning September 27th.

    Location Massachusetts Institute of Technology

28 September
02 October
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    Friday, 02 October 2015    12:00 pm -

    Following last year’s campus-wide Climate Change Conversation, MIT's President Reif has committed to deciding this fall semester how (or if) the university will take action against climate change. In the run-up to this potentially game-changing moment of decision, help us tip the balance by joining MIT Climate Countdown – a series of public events, starting September 27, culminating in a rally on October 2, the day of the MIT Corporation’s Annual Board Meeting. So mark the Countdown on your calendar.

    Check the MIT Climate Countdown site for lectures and events beginning September 27th.