29 November - 05 December, 2015
29 November
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    Sunday, 29 November 2015    11:00 am -

    Cambridge and Boston: from Harvard Square to Boston Common

    March from Harvard Square to Boston Common. Meet at the plaza near Au BonPain. We will march in solidarity with the people of the planet along Mass. Ave., over the Longfellow Bridge, then down Charles Street to Boston Common opposite the State House.

    Send a message to the world leaders meeting in Paris for climate action!  Keep fossil fuels in the ground.

    Finance an equitable transition to green, renewable, green energy!

    Put a price on carbon. We need real domestic action in the United States.

    More Information Here

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    Sunday, 29 November 2015    1:00 pm -

    ConcordCAN! - Concord Climate Rally

    On November 29th, the day of the Global Climate March before the Paris talks, there will be a rally at Monument Square, Concord center, starting at 1pm. A short ceremony will feature speakers, art and music. For latest details please check the ConcordCAN web site.

    Before the rally, a group of us will start at Monument Square at 11am and walk to the cabin site of Henry David Thoreau - a distance of 1.5 miles. We will arrive at noon to this peaceful location in the woods where Thoreau lived for a year where he learned to live deliberately with nature. The group will share ideas on the climate, the Paris talks, living deliberately and being thankful for what we have, some music perhaps, and walk back to Concord center in time for the 1pm event.

    Please RSVP if you are interested or e-mail me (bradhn@mindspring.com) if you have questions or suggestions.

04 December
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    Friday, 04 December 2015    6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Community Dinner, Rally & Direct Action for fraked-gas affected communities 

    It's time that fossil fuel corporations like Spectra Energy begin paying restitution to communities directly impacted by fossil fuel infrastructure like Burrillville, Rhode Island and the communities around the world who are at the front lines of climate change.

    But instead, Spectra Energy is seeking $30,000 in restitution from FANG activists for delaying construction of their fracked-gas pipeline expansion.

    On December 4-5th you're invited to connect and take action in and around Burrillville. Join us for a community dinner focused on making connections and celebrating two years of resistance to Spectra's Northeast pipeline expansions, followed up by a day of action.

    Friday, December 4th - Community Dinner and food & coat drive from 6-9pm
    at the Beckwith-Bruckshaw Lodge located at 50 Lodge Road in Burrillville.

    Saturday, December 5th - "Where's OUR Restitution?" Rally and Action
    on Wallum Lake Rd at 10am in Burrillville.


    Burrillville, a rural town located on occupied Nipmuc territory, is a regional epicenter of the fracked-gas industry. The town is home to two major interstate fracked-gas pipelines, a fracked-gas power plant and two toxic fracked-gas compressor stations. As part of the Spectra expansions, one of these compressor stations would be doubled in size, twice. Plus a mamouth new $700 million fracked-gas power plant has been proposed for the town by Invenergy, a Chicago corporation.

    Many more details coming soon, but please be sure to register and share this event far and wide: Register Here

    For nearly two years FANG (Fighting Against Natural Gas) and BASE (Burrillville Against Spectra Expansion) have been organizing and building resistance to the fracked-gas industry in Burrillville. BASE has organized local marches, countless community meetings and visits to the Town Council. FANG has supported these efforts while also deploying a number of nonviolent direct actions at Spectra's construction site in Burrillville.